MERCY – God’s steadfast love for us and our imitation of His love for others.
We will listen daily to the Word of God in order to receive His mercy.
We will share mercy through caring and compassionate ministries.
We will seek repentance for our sins and forgiveness of ourselves and others who have wronged us.
We will emphasize the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
We will invite everyone to receive the outpouring of God’s mercy through the sacraments.
We will reach out to show our understanding and compassion for those who are not able to receive all the sacraments.
STEWARDSHIP – Gratefully acknowledge that God provides us with everything and calls us to care for and share these gifts.
Each day we will examine our generosity as stewards by recalling the abundance of God’s gifts.
We will make annual commitments to deepen our spiritual lives.
We will share generously the gifts God has given us individually and as a parish.
We will form intentional disciples who courageously proclaim the gospel to everyone they meet.
We will welcome all with joyful hospitality.
We will be co-responsible for the Church’s mission.
PRAYER – Intimate communication and communion with God.
We will begin each parish meeting with 15 minutes of prayer and reflection with Scripture.
Through daily prayer we will open ourselves to the work of the Holy Spirit and to God’s will.
We will consistently provide prayer experiences in faith formation and ministries.
We will attend Mass weekly.
We will deepen our relationship with Christ through intentional times of personal and family prayer each day.
EXCELLENCE – Striving for the highest ministry standards to give glory to God.
We will equip members to know, to understand, and to utilize their talents and charisms.
We will focus and share OLBH’s vision, purpose and values with all members.
We will view the ministry standards through the lens of vision, purpose, and values.
We will be faithful to the voice of God as expressed in the teachings of the Catholic Church.
We will train the members to help them succeed in the delivery of their ministries.
We will evaluate annually the work of all the ministries for continuous improvement.