Parish Leadership

Please review the Parish Leadership Booklet and Ministry Guide to determine how the parish is run and to discern how you can aid in leading us. 

Ministry Guide


Pastoral Council Members

Andrew Boyd - Chair

Samantha Hough - Vice Chair

Brad Blauvelt

Vanessa Pribil

Barb Landers

Tee Burress

Jenna Vallette

Brenda Flottmeyer

Kelli Siemieniak

Non Voting Members: Fr. Andrzej Wyrostek, Deacon John Osnes, Deacon Greg Sass, Deacon Phillip Thompson, Lorinda Collings, Mary Marich, Anglela Howard, Katie Harwood


Finance Council

Leisa Nash - Chair

Trista Hedderman - Vice Chair

James Johns

Eric Scherr

Larry Williamson

Ryan Turnquist

Tom Collings 

Lorinda Collings