Piedmont Valley Food Pantry

The Piedmont Valley Food Pantry serves our neighbors in need in Piedmont, Summerset, and Black Hawk. The pantry has been in operation for 35+ years. The pantry is operated by a team of volunteers from the following area churches: Our Lady of the Black Hills, Hillsview Evangelical Free Church, Grace United Methodist Church, Piedmont Valley Lutheran Church, Redemption Church, Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church, and Shilo Lutheran Church. The pantry gives out thousands of bags of food each year as well as gas vouchers to those in need. Bags of food are dependent upon the size of the household and additional bags are given specifically for children.

Donations of food can be brought to Our Lady of the Black Hills M-F 8:30-2:30 PM or when the pantry is in operation. The pantry can accept non perishable food, frozen food, and refrigerated food. Toiletries, dish soap, and laundry soap are also a welcome addition. Monetary donations can also be made at Our Lady of the Black Hills or through any of the area churches. It is most helpful when donating to think as an individual; many of our neighbors in need live alone or in small groups, when we have large families it is easiest to give multiple items rather than having huge portions (for instance, giant cereal boxes) taking up space in the food pantry until a large family comes in. Items of most need include: Eggs, Shelf Stable Milk, Canned Meats, Cake Mixes, Condiments, Bread, and Crackers.

The PV Food Pantry is located in the lower level of Our Lady of the Black Hills Catholic Church at 12365 Sturgis Road in Piedmont, SD. The PV Food Pantry is open Wedensdays and Saturdays from 9-12 nooon unless it is a holiday or the interstate and/or schools are closed due to weather. It is best to park at the rear of the church near the Piedmont Valley Food Pantry sign (by the playground equipment) to make it easier to carry your food items from the pantry to your car.

Items needed to recieve food:


Proof of address

Food can be received every other week.




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