Phone: 605.787.5168
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Deacon Greg Sass was ordained a Permanent Deacon in 2013. A native of Webster, SD, his family joined the parish in 2001 after moving to the area from southeastern SD. Since joining the parish, Deacon Greg has been a lecture, extraordinary minister, and a faith formation instructor. He has been a member of the Administration Commission, Maintenance Committee, assisted with the Renew Program, implementation of the new Roman Missal, provided computer support to the staff and managing the website. Deacon Greg is also one of the charter members of the parish's Knights of Columbus council. Outside of the parish, Deacon Greg is involved with the Returning Catholics program and a member of the Terra Sancta Program Development Committee as well as serving as the Director of the Permanent Diaconate office and Coordinator of Lay Ministry Formation for the Diocese of Rapid City.